There is a love that doesn't leave.
A love so present, so powerful, and so deeply kind.
We have been fed many lies, for many years, that keep us disconnected from that Love.

If we can remember how to find divine union from within us, we BECOME this presence of unwavering love. We become a place of healing and ultimately Sacred ground for ourselves and anyone that we interface with.
I want this for you, and for me, and for us.
There is so much more for us here, and I'm on a mission to remind every woman I know how much authority her holy heart holds.
Join Me...
...for a deep dive into the teachings of Mary Magdalene.
We will be reading her gospel together, and peeling back the layers of her story and life that have been misinterpreted and forgotten
Open to anyone.
Stay tuned for the date...

A Masterclass
PRICE: $108
PRICE for Heart Space Members: $88
* This is a one-time payment, with lifetime access to the live masterclass recording.*